Monday, September 29, 2008

Back from vacation - Monday Sept 29, 2008

While I am back from vacation, I am currently focused on writing an article on the current state of the economic affairs and need some extra time to do justice to the article.
I should hopefully be done in the next couple of days.

In the meantime I have recorded a video on using Fibonacci, SMA, Support and Resistance and Candlestick Patterns for Forex Trading.


Anonymous said...


Thank you for the video and it very helpful to me as well as other in learning forex trading. Can you please talk about candlestick pattern on your next video blog.

docfx said...

I sure will. I will try to work out a complete video based tutorial topic by topic each week.
Do share what you do in terms of actual or practise trading and where in the process are you which will help me to tailor my videos accordingly

Anonymous said...

I have been trading for about a year now, but I still call my self as a freshman trader and got a lot to learn. I do both real and practice trading and I really have been enjoying you video blog so far. Please keep it up… Thanks you.