Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Trades for tonight - July 8, 2008 6:55 PM EST

I am in the negative today by about 75 pips. The Iran missile firing is primarily attributed to the market reversals and the weaking of the dollar due to the effect on price of oil.

The GBP /USD trade did not execute and hence I cancelled the order in the morning. I let the USD/JPY run and will let it run for the night.

I do not have signals tonight as I have not had the time to finish my analysis and I am spending the night with family.

Will be back late night and might post additional trades else tomorrow I will post more.

1 comment:

JohnLopez 313-258-1001 said...

I am shocked why the dollar was effected by the Iran missiles usually it's the rising value of the crude oil that does it.

take care!