Sunday, July 13, 2008

Up 201+ pips so far for the month of July 2008

Folks, unfortunately my practise account expired and hence do not have a report from the brokerage account itself.
However what a great day for profits.
I lost 120 pips on the USD/JPY trade as the dollar weakened due to Oil prices, but gained on both USD/CHF and the EUR/USD trades.
Made 120 pips on the EUR/USD trade and
made 100 pips on the USD/CHF trade

Hence the net result was

USD / JPY = -120
USD / CHF = +100
EUR / USD = +120
GBP / USD = -54

Net profit = +46

Add that to the earlier profit of 155 pips during July gives us a total approx 155 + 46 = 201 pips.

Add that to the June profits of 324 pips = 324 + 201 = 525 pips for the months of June and July to date.

I will have to open a new practise account later tonight and will post my trades and analysis later during the day.

Feel free to email me or visit for a discussion.

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