Saturday, October 25, 2008

1100+ pips - Forex Recap for the week ending Oct 24 2008

Pretty profitable week. The video below shows a recap and I will be updating my website to reflect all videos that walk you thru all the Forex Trades from the start of the week to all the Currency Trades that happened and how I did the trading.
Pictures are worth a thousand words and hence the videos that way you can see how I did it.
No secrets, no BS, just straight simple work and analysis.
Remember when I started these videos I had no idea whether my Forex Trades would be profitable or not. I do not have crystal ball. I am no guru just an ordinary guy and no I am not "Joe the Trader" either (no pun intended) !!
But I did take the time to learn Forex and took the time and discipline to practise. I enjoy it and I have shown on the videos how a few minutes a day Forex Trading can be rewarding.
I have on the main page of my website a mini plan that pretty much anyone can adopt towards becoming a successful Forex investor.
Do take the time and do invest into your own education (and this does not have to be expensive) to learn and practise a new profession and be successful at it. A strong foundation is the only way one can hope to achieve success.

or click the link to take you to youtube

Hope you like it and enjoy the videos

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